I have played this several times, i know it inside and out,
NOTE!!! ** meens that its an unlocked award not what you type,
NOTE!!! type everything seen ECEPT thing after ** and you will get all medals if you follow exactly as i did
NOTE!!! things inside () are my notes to help you so dont type in this whole paragraph
it tells you to type play, instead type deliver **unlock Just Can't Wait
first time play
play **unlocks Play Again?
deliver **unlocks Filthy Hands
2nd time play
(Dont type anything and you get 2 medals at once)
**You're Too Slow!
3rd time play
Push ** unlocks right Way
4th time play
suicide ** unlocks goodbye world
5th time play
take gloves
use gloves
deliver ** unlocks That's Disgusting
6th time play
take gloves
use gloves
take blindfold
use blindfold
deliver ** unlocks Can't Concentrate
7th time play
XYZZY ** unlocks XYZZY
8th time play
(i had to do this about 100 times befor i tryed the right thing, so heres the wrong thing)
take gloves
use gloves
take blindfold
use blindfold
take pills
take pills
Pull ** unlocks Hercules
9th time play
take gloves
use gloves
take blindfold
use blindfold
take pills
take pills
pull gently ** unlocks It's a boy
10th time play
(ok you wont get this if you type slow heres how i did it, i typed in Take pills anc coppied it, most dont know Ctrl C is copy and Ctrl V is paste, now use that, coppy Take pills and now loose. ok now type in restart DO NOT PRESS ENTER, get your hand ready, hold down Ctrl with your pinky, and hover your pointer over V, press ENTER, as soon as you do press V, as soon as you hit the V, press ENTER, as soon as you do you aquire the pills, press V again and ENTER again, you now took the pills, ok now the best way to do this is get the blindfold and use that first ::if you screw that up just restart:: then get the gloves and get use them)
(from the beginning)
restart ENTER (QUICK)
take blindfold
use blindfold
take gloves
use gloves
pull gently ** unlocks Speedy Delivery
these are all right, the last one took me a while to get, thank you and please dont BLAM this review,
Thanks for the tutorial, I got all the points using your methods. wooo.
thanks, sorry i didnt get this sooner, i never look at my account,